ATR, BRA Complete First 100% SAF-Powered Commercial Flight

ATR – regional aircraft manufacturer and Braathens Regional Airlines (BRA) collaborated to complete the first 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)- ...

First 100% SAF-powered flight BRA ATR72-600
BRA ATR-72-600 takes to flight powered by 100% SAF [Photo: ATR]

ATR – regional aircraft manufacturer and Braathens Regional Airlines (BRA) collaborated to complete the first 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)- powered test flight on a commercial flight – the fuel for both engines supplied by Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™. The ATR 72-600 prototype aircraft flight from Malmo (Southern Sweden) to Bromma (near Stockholm) was around 1 hour and 20 minutes. The test flight is part of the 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) certification process of ATR aircraft launched in September 2021, with plans to complete the process by 2025.

This helps us to certify our aircraft to fly solely on sustainable fuels faster and to enable more sustainable connections as a result. The flight represents a true milestone for the entire aviation industry as it shows that this technology works and can be promptly adopted by many in our industry to speed up the transition to low emission aviation. -Stefano Bortoli, CEO, ATR. 
