Dana Air Resumes Operations November 2022

Dana Air (9J) announced the resumption of operations starting Wednesday, November 09, 2022, after a three-month hiatus. The flight operations ...

Dana Air MD-82 5N-BKI
Photo/ Bill Word via Flicker
Dana Air (9J) announced the resumption of operations starting Wednesday, November 09, 2022, after a three-month hiatus. The flight operations were suspended in July 2022 – following ‘an audit conducted on the operator’s financial and economic health’ by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA). In October, the management announced that Dana Air had reached the concluding stages of the audit.
“All hands are on deck and we cannot wait to welcome our customers onboard our service once again. Our profound gratitude to you once again, for your patience, understanding and cooperation.” – Dr Orji Obioma Reuben, CCO, Dana Air.
