Ethiopian Airlines Introduces Arabic and French Services at Global Customer Interaction Center

Ethiopian Airlines (ET) introduced two additional international languages – Arabic and French – that can be used by customers when ...

Ethiopian Airlines A350
Photo/ ©Josh | @Emafwini

Ethiopian Airlines (ET) introduced two additional international languages – Arabic and French – that can be used by customers when they need assistance at the Global Customer Interaction Center. FlyEthiopian’s Global Customer Interaction Center currently operates 24/7 from its brand-new multi-floor building, located within the headquarters of Ethiopian Airlines Group, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

“It will also increase our customer reach to locations where these languages are spoken predominantly. Offering the services of our Global Customer Interaction Center in multiple international languages also proves our commitment and relentless efforts to elevate customers’ experience.”

Mr. Mesfin Tasew, Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO.