Travel Ban on Africa Not the Solution to COVID-19 Pandemic – AFRAA

The African Airlines Association (AFRAA) is calling on all countries that have issued unilateral travel restriction to immediately revoke them ...

Africa Travel
Photo: Vincent Van Zalinge

The African Airlines Association (AFRAA) is calling on all countries that have issued unilateral travel restriction to immediately revoke them and instead seek collaborative measures that will address the COVID challenge holistically. Besides vaccination, there are tried and tested protocols that have proven effective in curbing the spread of covid19. These must continue to apply while we work together towards neutralizing or eliminating the virus.

The Omicron variant is now detected in several regions of the world, yet the travel bans seem to be targeted at Africa. This is an affront to the global efforts to find an enduring solution. We will be better off confronting the virus if we work together for solutions and avoid discrimination [..] Any attempts to stigmatize Africa through travel bans will not work. We should not confuse politics with science. -Secretary General, Mr. Abdérahmane Berthé, AFRAA .
