
World’s Youngest Aircraft Fleet 2022 – ch-aviation

Uganda Airlines (UR) ranks first at the World’s Youngest Aircraft Fleet 2022 Awards for the second consecutive year – with ...

World's Youngest Aircraft Fleet 2022
Photo: ch-aviation World's Youngest Fleet Award/ch-aviation

Uganda Airlines (UR) ranks first at the World’s Youngest Aircraft Fleet 2022 Awards for the second consecutive year – with an average aircraft age of 1.95* years. The ch-aviation Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award recognises airlines from across the globe that keep a young, modern, and efficient fleet.

Top 5 Africa’s Youngest Aircraft Fleet 2022:

  1. Uganda Airlines (1.95*years)
  2. Jambojet (3.59* years)
  3. Air Seychelles (5.07* years)
  4. Air Austral (6.30* years)
  5. Air Tanzania (6.56* years)

*Aircraft data from the “ch-aviation fleets advanced” database as of January 3rd, 2022.



ch-aviation AWARDS
